Let me catch you up...

 I honestly can't even remember the last time I wrote a blog, but I can tell you that I remember -- vividly -- what I was typically writing about: where is love? What was I looking for? Good love? Great love? Honestly, I wanted a love that was true and only for me-- that's the love I was looking for; yet, it continued to evade me. I could have sworn that love was a little kitten that, the more I tried to catch it, the faster it would run away and hide. I would tell people that my person was hidden under a rock in Zambia; honestly, if I even thought that were true, it would've felt like hope. 

I remember telling boyfriends in college "Well of course we aren't getting married! I'm not done with school and I'm in my 20's... and I don't plan on dating you for the next decade, so yeah..." Not so surprisingly, we didn't stay together much longer after those conversations, but I never wanted to mislead anyone. Not that I was trying to hurt anyone, but I knew I had plans much larger than graduating college and meeting some boy-- I wanted to find my place in this big world and start a career and make a name and a life for myself before letting myself get all starry-eyed over some boy! I was raised in a small town and I knew all too well how easy it was for someone to couple up with a boy from high school and have babies and stay in that little town and that was NOT my plan. Thankfully, it was not God's plan for my life, either. 

I graduated college at the age of 24 -- yes, I did two victory laps (not of my own choosing -- but we'll save that for another blog,) so I come back to Houston during one of the biggest economic crashes in ages... thanks, 2009, and I meet up with my bestie and life starts. Did I mention that I'm not a fan of small towns? So yeah... there's that... I was raised in one and I went to college in one, so... yeah. No, thank you. So! I moved to one of the largest cities in the nation!! Houston, TX. Population 2.119 million in 2009... Going to a store and not seeing ONE person that I know... YES, PLEASE!! Don't get me wrong, I love people! I work in HR for heaven's sake! But when I'm on my personal time, I do not want to have to put my "HR Smile" on and chat with people; I want to do my own thing, mind my own business, get whatever I need and get out without having to talk to anyone more than I need to. 

So I land a great job at an amazing company in the O&G industry after a few years in Property Management, and that leads to a career that I've been super blessed to have for the past 12 years and counting and I am SO thankful for it. I have loved all of it and love that I get to do something I am passionate about with people I love working with every day! I've been with my current company for over 6 years! It's incredible to me! I feel very blessed.

And then came 2020. Y'all... when I tell you the whole freakin' WORLD shut down... I'm not joking. It really did. COVID-19 showed it's ugly murderous face and killed all sorts of people and kept the rest of us terrified in it's death grip for over a year. Insanity. I won't even get INTO the politics of all that BS. But let's just say that a lot of ALREADY REALLY RICH people got even MORE rich off that mess... it was horrendous. But it is what it is... they can take that up with God when we get there... 

However, there was a silver lining in this time... A) I was miraculously, by the grace of God, able to keep my job... and B) I met my husband. That's right, folks! The whole world shut down during a GLOBAL pandemic and I finally met my person. 

I will tell that beautiful story next time, but I will leave you to say... if you are waiting and praying... just know... it will happen. God has someone for you and He will put you together at the right moment in HIS perfect timing. Just have faith. xo
