Good for the body and the spirit??

Lately, I have been very focused on trying to find my place in life. I am officially in my "closer to 30 than 20" phase and all I can think about is where I am in the grand scheme of things.

I know we really cannot do more than follow our path and try to make the best decisions possible for ourselves. But there's got to be something more... Isn't there?

Thankfully, I find myself desparate to go back to my roots... church. This was the place where, as a child, I could always find my center. However, my mother was such a huge anchor in my life, that without her, I find myself spinning all over the place, desparate for someone or something to grab me and tie me to something so I can orient myself once again. Unfortunately, I have found that nothing can really do this for me except myself.

Recently, I have decided that getting my health back on track is a good place to start in the way of finding my happiness. First part of health is spiritual... I found a church. Actually, I found the church over a year ago, but have really decided to commit and make it an integral part of my routine.

I love my church. I love the pastor, I love that it's large enough for me to feel like I'm just there because I want to be and don't have to check in with anyone.. but small enough to feel like I'm not just one in the crowd of thousands... I love the music-- I can allow myself to simply close my eyes and sing and be swept up in the music.

One of the reasons that I have begun to really get back into church is because it is where I feel closest to my mom. She loved her church... all of my life, that was her cornerstone. She was always able to gain such strength and solace from her church, which she displayed so gracefully throughout her life-- especially in the later years when I didn't know how she could withstand any more struggle. But she did.... with a smile.

I have never met anyone like my mother and am certain that I never will. She was and will always be an inspiration and wonderful, Godly influence upon my life. Although I no longer have her physical voice for guidance and advice, I will always carry everything she has taught me. I pray that I will be a Godly woman as she was and truly do my best to do the right thing and follow God's voice.

I am so grateful for the blessings I have been granted and the grace which has carried me throughout my life, but especially in the past months following my mother's death. I feel that God has a special place for those who've lost someone so precious and an unexplainable peace and clarity which follows the storm of hurt, turmoil and confusion.

Most recently, I have decided to really put some effort towards getting back into shape. I am going to a gym now and looking forward to all of the benefits that will come with this new lifestyle. I have also tried out the Yoga class that they have there, and as a Christian, am trying to make sure it is not a "forbidden fruit," if you will...

I have done a little research and in what I've found, it seems as though there are many who have my faith, but still use Yoga for the physical benefits. I have always been a firm believer that you are the only one who can let yourself be swayed towards or against something. Granted, I would not condone going to a satanic group just for "observational purposes," but I do believe that there is something to the Bible verse "All things are lawful to me, but not all things edify."

However, we can all make excuses and find verses to back up whatever we want, really. But is it right?

And so I ask... can we, as Christians, practice Yoga-- purely for the physical wellness-- without putting ourselves at risk on a spiritual level?
