Knowing Your Role

Y'know, I think sometimes we get so caught up in wondering why we always have to be the person who reaches out or why we're always the one who makes the plans... So what? Would I have no lunch plans if I didn't always send out the emails to find out what everyone is doing? Well, no. There are some people who are like me, who will coordinate with me, but there are others who really don't think about things like that, I believe. And I really don't think it's anything to take personally.

When my mother was in hospital and my whole world was pretty much crumbling around me, I still would take time to send out a good morning text to friends or to find out how everyone else was doing. I realized that eventhough my life was going horribly at the time, everyone else was still just having a normal day and it was good for me to act in a normal way, as much as I could. Not everyone is this way, however.

It's not fair to assume that everyone should send out a mass "Good morning!!! I hope you have a fantastic day!!!" email just because that's what I like to do. Yes, I love getting those texts every now and then from my friends when they send them, but I cannot expect them.

It's just that way in relationships, I think. I am beginning to learn this. If I am the person who brings people together, then that is what I will become known for and will be counted on to do. If I all of the sudden become bitter that I am the only reason we all get together and decide to sit back and see if someone else will take initiative, I might be sorely disappointed. And then feelings will be hurt and people will get offended for what? because I wanted to do a little experiment? You can't ignore someone and HoPe that they will think of you. If you like someone, tell them. If you want someone to know you, make it a point to get to know them. You are the author of your own life.
Nobody else can tell your story for you. So, why not take control of the direction of it?

This is what I will try to be better at. If I want to see you, then I need to make plans with you. How can I expect that you will read my mind and know that I want to hang out today without me telling you so?

And in the same respect, how is it really fair if I'm hoping that we'll hang out tonight or tomorrow and you never call, so then I get upset and my feelings are hurt? I never told you that I wanted to see you, so even though I would like for you to contact me, how could you have known for sure that I was thinking about you?

Even with my close friends... we'll go a while without talking, but then we make plans and get together and have a great time and nobody is offended. So, why can't we do that with someone who we are dating? Why don't we just take a chance and have the boldness to tell someone that we want to see them? What's the harm in letting someone know that you're thinking of them? How could that possibly not bring a smile to your face if someone texts you saying "Hey sweetie! Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you. Hope you have a great day! :) " Pretty sure that would make my whole day!! We're all human. Everyone would love a text like that. Otherwise, you're a Grinch. Lol.

So, now all I have to do is put all of this theorizing into practice!! Wish me luck!!! :) :)
