I cannot tell you how many times throughout my life I have been at a bridal shower or a baby shower or a wedding or even just going out to have wine at a nice wine bar or restaurant and someone has mentioned in conversation "You're so beautiful and successful and (fill in the blank with whatever nice things you can think of,) why are you still single?"
Do you think I didn't have those very same thoughts going through my mind??? I have done everything in my power to become a well-rounded, educated, well-connected, hard-working person who would (hopefully) make a wonderful partner to the right man... and yet... love always seemed to elude me.
But here's the thing... now that I HAVE found my partner, and he truly is everything I prayed for and so much more, this is what I have realized: God is in control.
Seriously! There is nothing you can do or not do to evade your destiny. While I definitely think you should do whatever you can to be the best version of yourself that you can be to the best of your capabilities, but ultimately, whomever God intended to be your person has been designed to love YOU. As YOU.
Therefore, if you-- like me-- are not a partier and you don't go out often and you really don't seek out large gatherings, but instead, tend to stay at home, have close bonds with your friends, and focus on your career, IT'S OKAY! You will still find love!!
I used to think that I had to be more social and that I was getting in my own way of finding love and that maybe I should just force myself to get out more -- even when all I wanted was to go home, take off my heels, and relax with my sweet little fur baby. I thought that maybe my lack of being "more fun" or more of a "party girl" was inhibiting my possibilities of finding love. That could not have been further from the truth! Because that was NOT who I was. It ISN'T who I am. And therefore, why would I want to put myself into a place that I wouldn't normally be to find a life partner? That is the definition of silliness, in my opinion. I've dated bar rats and I HATED it! Why?? Because I hate bars. Well, not all bars... but I am certainly not going to run out to a bar any chance I get; it's just not my style. I'm more of a cook at home and have a bottle (or two) of wine kinda gal. And guess what Alex and I do all the time. We stay home, we grill or cook, and we drink wine... and we have SO much fun! :) No bar needed. And I am literally tell you this as my darling man has just put a plate of steak, sausage, onion and peppers down in front of me. He truly is a dream, y'all...
Please know, I'm not poo-pooing on bars. I have nothing against them. I'm merely stating that you have to follow your own path. Do whatever your heart tells you. What was right for your parents, for your friends, for whomever you might compare yourself or your timeline to is not necessarily right for you. Whatever is meant for you will come to you. Have faith and keep focused on who you are what you want for your life and it will all work out exactly however it is meant to.
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